Hello everyone ! Bonjour-nassyi ! (ノ´▽´)ノ*:・゚✧
Yesterday, I went to a lolita meet up with little Funassyi. It was organized by Pump Kin, a lolita on Facebook I've never met before. She wanted to have a pic nic in a parc located in Parisian suburb.
I met with Clarimonde, Lunila, Camélia and her friend (Matthieu if I remember right?) at gare du nord, to catch the RER B and then a bus (cambrousse-ville), to get there ^^!
The weather was so good *^* not too warm, not too windy, and the parc and small mansion were beautiful!
There were swans and ducks too ^^ |
We brought food to eat, because we like to eat obviously. And we are so ready for another pic nic but with baguette, cheese, saucisson and wine this time :p!
We were 9 in total! I met the lovely Pump Kin and Melo Fee, and being in a small group helped getting along more easily (I'm always rather introverted x')...) We had a lot of fun together, and took many many pictures!
Hellooo :3 |
PumpKin brought music as well, there was a mix retro, classical, even Disney (we sang to "Be a man" yep)! It was so relaxing and fun! |
At this point, we were all instragraming the paper towel (au lieu de les faire tourner, on a instagrammé les serviettes *se jette*) lol! |
Nom nom |
With Sam, I was so happy to see her again *^* |
the said paper towels were so cute! |
The mansion from behind |
yummy biscuit as large as Fufu x) |
Alright, after the food, outfit shots time! we open with the best ;) I got MeloFee totemo kawaii desu nee pose hehe :p |
The elegant Clarimonde |
Sam Sam, her coords are always flawless, I love every single one! |
I need this necklace *^* |
Camélia, very elegant too! |
Lunila, blue white red, I can't not love this coord 8D Bonjour je suis François le Français, j'aime le vin et les croissants! |
Léa being very cute in sweet lolita! It was the first time I saw her actual hair, I was so surprised but it looks great on her :3! |
PumpKin wore a retro outfit to stay comfy as it was a bit warm, but she promised to wear a lolita outfit next time^^ She was the retro mama and we followed her all day like kids haha x)! |
My outfit! I wanted to wear casual country and especially my French Café apron! | | |
I made the apron last year for the French Café's Garden Party! |
Traditionnal feet picture |
We took a few pictures inside too ^^ |
And traditionnal fingers pictures before leaving the place to go home ^^ |
MeloFee and PumpKin gave a polaroïd to everyone of us, it was so sweet! I love this kind of things, it is the first one I got from someone! I wish I had more *^* |
Thank you again for organizing such a nice meet up, it was a perfect day, I can't wait for next time!
Nobu & Fufu ( ˘ ³˘)♡
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