Hello everyone!! Bonjour-nassyi!! (ノ´▽´)ノ*:・゚✧
Dimanche 21 décembre à eu lieu un des premiers meeting Mori kei Parisien, organisé via la page du groupe Mori-kei France, par Cookie! Je l'ai un peu aidé à organiser en proposant un lieu proche de Paris assez simple d'accès pour tout le monde ^^, nous nous sommes donc donné RDV aux Jardins d'Albert Kahn. J'y suis allée de nombreuses fois et je ne me lasse pas de ce lieu, composé de plusieurs types de jardins (Japonais, Français, Anglais, ainsi qu'une forêt).
On Sunday, December the 21st, took place the first Mori kei meeting in Paris, organized via the FB page Mori-kei France, by Cookie (Lou)! I helped her a bit by offering to go to a place near Paris, with an easy access for everyone ^^ we agreeded to meet at Albert Kahn Gardens. I went there many times and I never get tired of this place. It is a group of several types of gardens (Japanese, British, French, and even a forest).
Nous étions le premier jour de l'hiver, et les sources d'eau étaient coupées, j'ai donc été un peu déçue de la monotonie du paysage cette fois ci, mais les filles venaient pour la première fois et ont beaucoup aimé malgré tout, du coup je pense qu'elles vont adorer revenir au printemps quand tout revivra *(*´∀`*)☆!
We were on the first day of winter, and rivers were cut, so I was a little disappointed with the monotony of the landscape this time, but the girls were coming for the first time and really liked it anyway , so I think they will love to come back in the spring when everything will live again *w*!
We brought fluffy blankets, small warm cushions for hands, hot and cold drinks, snacks and fruits *^*!
Nous avons commencé à explorer la partie forêt, et fait pas mal de photos et vidéos dans ce coin là! Et avant de changer de jardin, nous avons pas mal discuté autour d'un verre de jus de fruits rouges chaud!
We began to explore the forest part and took a lot of pictures and videos there! And before changing of place, we chatted a lot around a hot blackcurrent juice!
Camélia |
Méléora |
Cookie |
Angélique |
Léa |
Miyu Mew |
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my outfit! Dress and skirt: handmade camisole: vintage cardigan and boots: Axes Femme Bag, jewellery and accessories: offbrand |
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My ultimate owl bag *^* |
I really like small meetings, especially to actually getting to know more about the attendees! It is more convenient when we change places a lot during the day, but you can really have a conversation with everyone present and it's easier for everyone to have the opportunity to join in the conversation =)! You can get along quicker, compared to large meetings and events, when you're surrounded by more people and you don't have enough time to talk correctly with everyone, and sometimes you're too shy to go meet new people so you just stay with your friends ^^. But it depends on your personality, I know I'm like that but that's because I'm an introverted person x').
Derp game too strong |
We tried to find a new pose, like, a Mori one, so we ended up being trees lol |
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Miyu mew took me in picture haha x) |
Après avoir fait le tour du jardin, nous sommes allées au HD diner de St Michel pour prendre un goûter tardif pour les unes, ou un petit dîner pour les autres ^^! J'ai choisi un chocolat viennois et un cheesecake, le meilleur que mes papilles aient connues *^*!! En plus les feuilles de menthe me faisaient penser aux feuilles sur la tête de Fufu ^^!
After visiting the garden, we went to HD dinner in St Michel, to have a late snack for some, or a small dinner for others ^^! I chose a chocolat viennois and a cheesecake, the best one I've ever tasted *^* !! I loved the mint leaves, they reminded me Funassyi's ones ^^!
It was 6:30pm when everyone started to get back home one by one, and I did the same =)! I'm looking forward to go to that kind of nature meet-up in spring =D!!!
Bisous-nassyi ( ˘ ³˘)♡
Nobu & Fufu